Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun with Batter

I have to admit, I absolutely love batter (especially cake and brownie) and had to be "scared away" from it as a child in order to have enough left to actually make something. Now I am finding many wonderful recipes that either utilize cake mix in a new way or replicate the flavor to a "t"...can you imagine my excitement? Trying to be more health conscience has made me more alert to fruit dip recipes or sweets that are not going to completely derail my efforts and I have been fortunate to find ways to indulge and keep the goal of a slimmer figure in sight! One recipe is for a glorious fruit dip that only needs 3 ingredients: cake mix, plain yogurt and whipped topping! Honestly you mix a couple tablespoons of each in a bowl and you have this amazingly flavorful fruit dip that will make you and any picky eater wanting to go back for more. So, my charge to you is to find a way to make an indulgent treat a little more health-friendly by using it in a different way, fixing an alternative recipe, whatever makes you happy! Whatever you do, make it trendy and treat those tastebuds!

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