Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pinterest...a foodie's dream!

My DIY nature has taken me to the inner-depths of pinterest and I am now an addict! For those of you unaware of this new web phenomenon, Pinterest is an invite-only website that allows you to maintain virtual pinboards to show the world your interests. You can follow friends, make new friends and have people follow you...wow, sounds a bit stalkerish, but it really is a great way to exchange ideas. If I visit your "boards"and find something that I like or want to try, I can repin what you have and share it with my followers,exciting! I have to say, it has been wonderful to receive new recipes and gather a huge list of party ideas. I also now have a honey-do list as long as my body!
What makes us so interested in the do-it-yourself world these days and much more eager to try cooking at home (gasp) or being creative with upcycling? In my opinion, our lackluster economy is driving people to be more thrifty and conscientious of their surroundings. Granted, restaurants are trying to amp up the attractive factor with their "two for twenty" menus, but sometimes we just have to stop and look at how much we can cook in the home for that amount of money. There is no doubt that I absolutely love to dine out and try all kinds of unique cuisines, but for the sake of our families financial health, I need to cut back. So, pinterest has opened the world of possibilities for food, fun and a little bit of craftiness. I mean, I even found a link on how to make a beautiful lamp out of a doily and a balloon!
So, that is my conquest! To continue to enjoy wonderful food, but making sure my spending limit is clear :) I better get into the kitchen, these recipes certainly are not going to fix themselves.
Whatever you crave, just keep rockin' those trendy tastebuds!

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